Day 4…

Well, I am on vacation this week.  It’s Monday. I slept until 10 am.  I got up briefly @ 6:45 to make sure kids get off to school.  But I am tired.  When you give up alcohol, the abuse you have been subjecting your body to, and for me years of abuse, your body goes through withdrawal.  From all my reading and past experiences from stopping alcohol, the brain will have to  “reset”.  So I will not beat my self up as I recover.  I’ve beaten myself up enough with my alcohol abuse.  At some point I just need to be at peace with myself and pat myself on the back for giving it another go.  It is important to be patient with myself.  I didn’t get here overnight.  Healing is a process.  And recovery is about healing.  So I will enjoy being lazy today.  I will eat whatever because I know my body is going through all sorts of withdrawal.  I will not stress out and will be..just sober.

Later in the day…

As I lounged around today, I decided to revisit those surveys, “are you an alcoholic”? So I decided to take an “AUDIT” on my wine drinking habit.

ok I scored a 33 out of 40…dangerous drinking!!  I was actually shocked to score so high, which was bad.  A low score is good.  The reason I was shocked is because I am not a falling down drunk who has lost everything.  I do not drink first think in the morning.  I don’t stash alcohol in secret places. I certainly don’t drink those little airplane bottles of the hard stuff.  I drink (drank) wine out of a wine glass.  I would never drink and drive.  I would, for the most part take care of my responsibilities.  I am the proverbial functioning alcoholic.  Really,  its an oxymoron to me.  Functioning alcoholic?  Yes I function and I function well.  But, I am definitely functioning below my potential because of my wine consumption.  I mean lets face it, those hang over days or just days of alcohol fog do not add to my day.  Those are the days where I get nothing accomplished.  So how “functioning”  is that?  The bottom line is everyone’s functioning threshold is different.  I could definitely be “performing” at a more productive level without the booze.  For starters, if I was hung over I wouldn’t be writing this.  I think it is dangerous to add adjectives to alcoholism.  You either are one or your not.

The survey I took today tells me there are a whole lot of people drinking above the so called low-risk levels. Because, if you scored > 8 you are drinking above relatively healthy levels.  And I know plenty of friends and colleagues that would score outside this range.  but never see themselves as having issues with alcohol.  The bottom line is the world has glamourized drinking alcohol.  Making it an acceptable activity.  A necessary activity, actually.  But the reality is that too many  people’s worlds have been destroyed because of it…… I leave with this scripture as a reminder that God has something very serious to say about this topic.  Woe is very serious and it is a choice whether or not we want to bring it on ourselves.  God loves his children and he doesn’t put the woe on us. We do that to ourselves.  He knows the trouble that drinking too much can cause and  He wants us to not be overcome by its temptation and resulting destruction. (now if only I would remember and obey lol!)

Isaiah 5:22 (NIV)

22 Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine
    and champions at mixing drinks

9 thoughts on “Day 4…

  1. All blessings to you for letting it go. When you look back on your drinking after months of sobriety, you’ll be surprised at just how large a role it played in your life. It’s had to see that when you’re in the middle of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Elizabeth. Looking forward to getting to know you😉 I am amazed how many of us share a common thread in our alcoholism. I look forward to learning from all fellow bloggers on this issue. And keeping me motivated and accountable. Thanks for your comment👍💕

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  2. I took that audit. My score was a 17. I think my alcohol tolerance is low so one bottle of wine is all I can do or I will be puke level drunk. If I could drink more without passing out I probably would. For that reason a couple of those questions I answered what seemed moderate, but for me it was high. I know within myself I have a problem.


    1. Well at least you weren’t a 33 lol! But like I said greater than an 8=RISK. But then again I’ve been at this wine thing for a long time. It really escalated over the last 4 years. If you get a hold of it now you won’t score a 33.😜 I don’t know you personally but I know you must be serious if you are blogging about it. So you can do this. We are fine without wine!

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  3. Congrats on another successful day by the way!! My body looks and feels like cottage cheese the first 10 days. I have only made it to 33. It takes about day 24 before I am detoxed.


  4. Thank you! My body needs an overhaul for sure. I gained a lot of weight in last 4 years with all of my wine consumption. But now I have a new challenge…to get into GREAT shape. It will be a slow, intentional process but I am determined. Getting healthy and sober doesn’t happen by accident…(I keep reminding myself😉) Can’t wait to feel detoxed..any suggestions on what I should be putting in my body during this early phase?


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